About us

We are a

Management Consultancy

VMR Advisors is registered private limited in the name M/s VMR Corporate Advisors Private Limited as Management Consultancy Company duly approved by Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI), we are team of professionals like Chartered Accountants, Company Secretaries, Cost Accountants, Lawyers and Technical Consultants of industry specific having expertise in their profession and field providing services to various clients from various industries.

Why VMR?

Our practice has professional approach to understand the client’s business, market place and key concerns, and deliver an informed, positive, practical and cost effective service. VMR Advisors has been set up to serve clients of stature and profile. The office is staffed by a combination of recruits, experienced professionals trained with them and expert associates. In this way, control is maintained over methodology and quality while capitalising on local business knowledge and understand clients requirement to serve them with utmost quality.


Cost Effective

As consultants, we help our clients to avoid duplication and minimize costs, and deliver services that are cost effective and add value to business.

Industry Expertise

Our industry knowledge, achieved through continuous training and experience, is built on a foundation of technical excellence – a prerequisite for all our professional staff. Our industry specialization gives us a hands‑on experience of a variety of environments.

Effective Communication

Effective communication is fundamental to good working relationships. We listen to the client, and to their concerns, and reflect them in our approach.


We believe that an in-depth understanding of each client’s business is essential to provide excellent services. The operating style and requirements of the client’s organization are distinctive and demand professionals who understand and respect their corporate culture and business practices, and who can work effectively with them.


Sound commercial advice is essential at all stages and, as consultants, we aim to provide this at all times. Our approach is to highlight important issues, discuss them with the client, and provide practical advice on how threats, constraints and weaknesses can best be converted into opportunities and strengths.

Co-ordination & Continuity

There is nothing more frustrating to a productive business relationship than having different points of contact with no coordination amongst them or continuity in serving. It is our policy for business consulting, audit, tax and regulatory reporting services to assign a single lead partner who is responsible for all of our services to the client

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